Metta: A Kindly Abiding 2024
Love (metta) underpins the whole of Buddhist practice.Like a jewel it has many facets: patience, intimacy, interest and kindness. All these facets are ways in which we come into relation with ourselves and others. All are ways to live at peace in this fleeting, fragile world.
'Metta is the synthesis of reason and emotion, right view and skilful action; unobstructed spiritual vision and the bliss of a warm and expansive heart.' (Sangharakshita)
Whether you are new to the practice of metta, or wanting to go deeper, come and join us for this long weekend retreat exploring how to work with our hearts and allow them to open into universal loving-kindness. The retreat will include meditation, ritual, chanting and some silence. There will also be space for walks, reflection and time in nature.
There are no single rooms left for this retreat, if you'd like to be on the waiting list please email