Alive! Aware! Awake! 2025

Alive! Aware! Awake! 2025

16 - 21 Feb 2025

With mindfulness practice we can be more fully alive – relaxed yet more engaged with our lives and the world around us. Mindfulness, as taught by the Buddha, is a direct means to freedom. Come and explore taking mindfulness more deeply into daily life, with full meditation teaching, personal exploration and short periods of companionable silence.

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The practice of mindfulness can be deeply nourishing, calming and liberating. Yet if we’ve ever tried to meditate, we’ll have noticed that we become aware of all our experience including body sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts. The Buddha’s teaching of Four Foundations of Mindfulness gives us a clear framework for how to stay present, clear-minded and grounded, whether we’re meditating or in the midst of our daily lives.

Both sitting and walking meditation practices including the Mindfulness of Breathing practice will be fully taught on this retreat. We’ll explore mindfulness using gentle bodywork, talks on different aspects of mindfulness, small discussion groups and periods of silence. The bodywork will involve ‘body awakening’ stretches in the morning enabling us to open to a deeper sense of the body in meditation, while periods of silence offer us the opportunity to let go more deeply and to become more aware of ourselves, each other and our environment without the need for words.

Suggested donation (in addition to the booking fee): £285 waged / £195 unwaged

Booking Fee: £85.00

Booking Form

Waiting List Booking Form

Bookings are closed for this event.

Paying for your retreat

Taraloka runs on generosity.

To book a retreat you pay a booking fee. This is the only charge made for coming on retreat. As far as possible, we don’t want anyone’s financial situation to stop them from coming to Taraloka.

At the end of your retreat, you have the opportunity to give money towards Taraloka. If you are able to donate, you are giving to another person who otherwise could not afford to come on retreat. And you are helping to give the gift of Taraloka to the women of the future.

We have suggested donations as these reflect the basic income needed to make a retreat viable. However, they are only suggestions. It is genuinely fine to give ten times these amounts, nothing, or anything in between.

Running on generosity is radical – thank you for being part of that.

For more information see what does it cost and a flow of generosity