
What does it cost?

Residential retreats

When you book a residential retreat at Taraloka you pay a booking fee. This covers basic costs and lets us know that you’re committed to coming. This is the only charge made for coming on retreat. As far as possible, we try to run on the Buddhist principle of generosity, or dana in Sanskrit.



We want Taraloka retreats to be available to anyone, whatever their financial situation.



Booking Fees 2024-2025

  • Weekend : £65
  • 4-7 days : £85
  • Longer retreats: £95

However, it costs more than the booking fees to keep Taraloka running. At the end of your retreat, you have the opportunity to give money towards Taraloka. If you are able to donate, you are giving to another person who otherwise could not afford to come on retreat. And you and many others are helping to give the gift of Taraloka to the women of the future. Taraloka’s existence relies on your generosity.



Suggested donations

Our suggested donations for residential retreats (in addition to the booking fee) for 2024-25 are:

Weekends (£200 / 140)
Long Weekend (3 nights) (£225 / 160)
4 nights (£255 / 175)
5 nights (£285 / 195)
7 nights (£365 / 250)
9 nights (£410 / 290)
11 nights (£465/ 310)

There will be an opportunity to make your donation at the end of the retreat by credit/debit card, cheque or cash. Our suggested donations reflect the basic income needed to make a retreat viable. However, they are only suggestions. It is genuinely fine to give ten times these amounts, nothing, or anything in between.



Ongoing support

You may wish to donate to Taraloka ongoingly. Please see give a donation for more information. Our income comes from booking fees, donations given by people such as yourself, or occasionally much-appreciated legacies.  Taraloka is a registered charity and has no independent means of finance.



Running on generosity is radical – thank you for being part of that.



a flow of generosity

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