Leave a Legacy
Taraloka relies for its survival and development on the generosity of people like you – people who feel a deep sense of connection and gratitude for what Taraloka gives to individual women and the world.
Hundreds of women come on retreat to Taraloka, and for most it will be a profoundly positive experience. For many, it is life-changing. By leaving a legacy to Taraloka, you can give that gift to others. Both the Tara Cabin and the Earth Sky Garden were built with the help of legacies from generous friends of Taraloka. We feel that those friends would be delighted to see those spaces appreciated by so many women into the future.

Legacy Donations
You don’t have to be wealthy to leave a legacy gift in your will. Gifts left as a legacy don’t have to be large amounts; they don’t even have to be money. Whatever you choose to leave, your donation will help us to continue to provide a place for women to meditate and practise the Dharma together, for the future.

Making a Will
A will is a way of reflecting on what matters most to you and is the best way to ensure that, after you’ve gone, your possessions go to those causes that you care most about. Even if you can only bequeath a little, this can be very helpful to the future of Taraloka.
At first the whole process can seem quite overwhelming, but putting together a will can be a lot simpler and more straightforward than you might realise. A simple step-by-step guide to writing a will, written by the Triratna Development Team, in pdf format, is available here for you to download and use. Download a useful guide to making a Will or Legacy.
You will need to include our Charity Registration Number 274500. Please contact us if you would like any further advice. Thank you for your generosity.